Little Things I Love

I’m listening to The Ditty Bops – My Sister Kate; I LOVE it so much! I wanna go dancing!

I’m in the process of getting some fun prints and posters to decorate my walls with
And more toys and colourful things and lights.. and new curtains!
Well I’m just starting now anyway, ever since I moved in to my new house I’ve hardly had time to do anything (besides work and umm holidays..)

Anyhow here are some pics of stuff that are on/around my desk


This is a lunchbox that I bought when I was still in Melbourne (2005?)
It contains lots of things I love
Namely my collection of stickers, a goldfish-shaped bubble bath thing that smells so goood, and a few postcards that I like
Every time I open up the box it’s like magic
All the colours and shapes and of course, the smell from the bubble bath 🙂


Now this little thing.. I can’t remember who gave it to me
It must’ve been part of a Christmas present.. from.. someone.. oops!!!


My ball lights! They light up! 😀


These sit on the shelf of my desk
Left: Holga 120CFN
Right: Konica C35EFP
Centre: £2.99 H&M sunnies, haha!


Here’s my ukulele making it’s debut at last..
It’s a beginner’s one.. as you can see it has a dolphin on it – suits me I think 😀
Sadly I haven’t played with it much recently.. but I’m getting there
It’s so much fun.. I love music and I love playing all sorts of instruments!


The book I’m currently reading
Got it for 75p from a charity shop in Minehead last weekend when I was there for the ATP Festival


This is something that’s very, very dear to me
It’s normally kept in its tattered envelope along with a well-read letter on cheap paper that came with it

It’s a birthday card I received from my father when I turned 5
He was away on service (he was in the army) a lot when I was little and could only afford this card

In the letter he tells me of how he had gotten me one of those big pencil sharpeners that was shaped like a house (a real treat back then), and that my mom would give it to me when my actual birthday arrived


Two new nail colours I bought today
Strawberry IceCream & Berry IceCream 🙂

And lastly


Beach toys I bought today to take on my holiday *happy*
I even got a Winnie the Pooh (actually I don’t like him too much, he’s such a wuss) kite

Was doing some research on things to do/see in Majorca..
And found the most amazing, BEAUTIFUL beach that’s about a 45-minute drive from the city.
Along with a few more other things I’m really excited about..
It’s gonna be so great since we’ve hired a car for the week!



appLe |

what a treasure to have (the card)

if you dont mind me asking, what camera did you use to take these shots?


awesome blog, keep it up!
thanks for sharing as always
you provide great inspiration!


Miss Molly |

the card from your dad is so awesome! so nice to hold such beautiful memories so close to your heart 🙂
also love the lunch box and the ukulele

aidarulz |

OMG i love what you’ve done with your blogsite!! obviously it has been ages since i last visited, but i’m totally going to bookmark this so i’ll remember to stalk you again soon. 🙂 and how on earth did you make your pics look like that?? they’re so puurrrrttyyyyy. love the ukulele, btw.

hope you’re having a super awesome fun time in Majorca! can’t wait for you to blog about it. miss you heaps!! xoxo.

Y |

Apple: These photos were taking using a Nikon D3000 – nothing too fancy!

Thanks everyone else, love reading whatever you have to say 😉


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